
Joomlabamboo template and extension documentation


Add nofollow to print and email links

Adds hook for pre-content plugin rendering

Final fix for breadcrumb rendering br tags in the breadcrumb

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload html/com_k2/templates/rasa/item.php

Upload html/com_content/article/default.php

Upload html/mod_breadcrumbs


Changed method of css and js compression. (Requires an update to the Zen Grid Framework)


Adds support for Joomla 2.5 content images and links

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload html/com_content


Adds k2 template

Adds more length to navigation image in case using wider template setting

Fix for article item navigation

Fix for fixed width navigation items

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload html/com_k2

Upload css/k2.css

Upload html/com_content/article/default.php

Upload css/theme.css (See below)

Fix for fixed width menu items:

Remove width and edit padding rule as per below.

/* Top Row ul li a and spans for parent items */
#nav ul li a,
#nav ul li span.separator
{color: #fff;font-size: 1.1em;display: block;margin: 0;padding: 14px 30px 13px 14px;height: 37px;background: url(../images/navSep.png) repeat-y right top} 

Adjustment for em in menu when using JB Type:

/*  Em applied to menu items*/
#nav em,.moduletable-superfish em,#paneltab em {font-size: 80%;color: #fff;margin-top: 4px;display: block;}


Fixes input filtering for tab titles, logo, tagline, copyright, extrascripts, analytics

Fixes references to catslug and parent_slug in overrides


Initial Release

Joomla 1.5


Fixes issue with k2 overrides not displaying

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload html/com_k2


Updates k2 overrides to work with k2 2.5

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload html/com_k2


Fixes issue with confirm password reset.

Manual Update

  • - Upload templateDetails.xml
  • - Upload html/com_user/reset/confirm.php


  • Fixes issue with panel width being displayed under the nav area
  • Reduces file size for some k2 images
  • Fixes wrong string for attachment field in k2 template
  • Moved the k2 template image folder into the rasa folder to avoid have images show in template drop down.

Manual Update

  • Upload and replace the following files:
  • layouts/nav.php
  • templateDetails.xml
  • html/com_k2/templates/rasa
  • css/k2.css


  • Fixes issue with panel only being displayed if panel1 module published.
  • Reinstated option for panel module widths missed in the v1.1 update.


  • Fixes thumbnail too large in overview panel issue.


Manual Update
Depending on how much you have customised the template this may be easy or a little tricky. The 1.1 version of the template is a relatively large rewrite of the core files so in most instances it will be easier to install the latest version and reinstate the changes made to your template.

  1. Update 1.0+ version of the zen grid framework to v1.1+.
  2. Make a backup of your current template. I find the best way to do this is to rename the folder on the server to something like rasa_old
  3. Install latest version of the template via the Joomla installer.
  4. Main files that will be affected are the files in the layout, so if you have made any changes to the layout folder files then you will need to go through and address those changes.
  5. Go into the rasa template administrator and reinstated the layout and other template settings you had used previously or follow the instruction below for updating the params.ini file:
  6. The current settings of your template can be saved by restoring the backup of your old templates/rasa/params.ini file.


  • Upload css/theme.css file or if you have made changes change the following rules.

Manual Update
Add the following to the theme.css file:

.contentpaneopen_edit span.hasTip {position: absolute;margin-left: 10px;margin-top: 4px;}


Manual Update
Reupload templateDetails.xml file and the includes/templateVariables.


  • Fixed spacing in three column view - reduced the rightcol width by $gutter * 2 in three col view.
  • Fixed spacing on two column view. Added word-wrap rule to the create date.
  • Fixed default ribbon colour for corporate theme.
  • Fixed styling for ul.icons if the list was a link.
  • Fixed rightcol and leftcol panel menu styling on sub levels.
  • Fixed width on k2 password and url inputbox.
  • Added bevel image to blog_more link pagination on blog category pages
  • Added .top class for modules with ribbon module class that were also the first module in the left or right column. Correct syntax to use is now -ribbon top for your module classes for these modules.

Manual Updates
Upload css/hilites/corporate.css file
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload css/k2.css
Upload css/theme.css file or if you have made changes, update the following rules:
Find the current corresponding rules and swap them for the following:

.gridWrap1,.gridWrap2,.gridWrap3,.gridWrap4,.gridWrap5,.gridWrap6,#above,#below,#banner,#leftCol ul li a,#rightCol ul li a,.results ol.list li,form.search_result,h2,.contentheading,#leftCol .moduletable,#rightCol .moduletable,.moduletable-ribbon,.moduletable-panelmenu,.moduletable-slide,#jbArticle,div.buttons,div.jbSectCat,div.jbCreatedate,span.jbAuthor,.mbRow,.mbWrapFlat,.poll dl.poll,#jbLogin .verticalLogin li a,.moduleTitle h3,.leading,.article_row,a.blogsection
{background: url(../images/sepHor.png) repeat-x left bottom}

Fix for left column

#leftCol ul li li a,#righCol ul li li a,.moduletable-panelmenu ul li li a {padding: 4px 0 0 16px;font-size: 90%;width: 90%;}

Fix for right column

#rightCol ul li span.mainlevel span {padding:4px;cursor: pointer;width: 94%;}
#rightCol .moduletable-ribbon .moduleTitle h3,#rightCol .moduletable-panelmenu .moduleTitle  h3
{position: absolute;top: -61px;font-size: 90%;padding: 2px 8px;right: 0;}
#leftCol,{margin-top: 30px;}
#rightCol .moduleTitle h3, .moduleTitle  h3,
#leftCol .moduleTitle h3, .moduleTitle  h3  
#left ul.icons li,#right ul.icons li {display: block;float: left;padding-bottom: 10px;margin: 0;padding: 0}
#left ul.icons li span,#right ul.icons li span {clear: both;margin-left: 10px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 4} 
#left ul.icons li a {background: none;display: inline}
div.jbCreatedate,span.jbAuthor {color: #333;margin-bottom: 4px;padding: 0 0 6px;text-align: center;width: 100%;display: inherit;word-wrap: break-word;}
.blog_more ul li a {border: 0;}


  • Rearranges k2 override files and fixes image paths in k2.css.
  • Fixes Section blog issue in Safari where title and body alignment is off.
  • Fixes input box alignment on registration page.
  • Fixes Gender and image upload input field layouts on user registration pages.
  • Fixes Right Column panel menu styles.
  • Fixes menu hover styles and active styling in hilite css files.

Manual Updates
Upload /css/hilites/ folder
Upload /css/k2.css
Upload /css/theme.css
Upload /html/com_k2/ folder
Upload /html/com_content/section/blog_item.php
Upload templateDetails.xml