
Joomlabamboo template and extension documentation

In this tutorial we are going to assign a featured items menu type as the default (Home) menu item.

Jump to point six if the link is already created

1. Category and article creation

1.1 Navigate to the content tab and select the category manager – here you create your category which will contain the featured articles.

1.2 Create the articles in the article manager using the category you just created.

Create Category and article first

2. Opening menu Manager

2.1 Navigate to the Menu manager.

2.2 Click the Main menu (there is always a default main menu).

Create new menu item

3. Creating a new menu link

Click the new link button (plus symbol)

Open new menu item by clicking plus

4. Default link parameters

4.1 Click the select button and chose the features articles Link Type.

4.2 Under required settings select the category or categories you want.

4.3 Enter your menu title

4.4 Chose your parameters from the drop down boxes as this is the default (Home) item you can safely stick to the defaults.

4.5 Click the yes button to set this page as the default page.

4.6 Click save and close


5. Home Page set

5.1 You will now see a star on the features pages link indicating it is the new home page.

5.2 There is also a star by the menu which contains the default (homepage) in the menu manager.

New Home with star on item and on its menu

6. Change default

6.1 To change an existing default link simply click on the star column on the proposed new default item.

6.2 The star will now move to the new link and it is now the new default ( home) link.