
Joomlabamboo template and extension documentation

The Zen Grid Framework 4 templates work slightly different to standard Joomla templates when it comes to duplicating styling. 

In standard Joomla templates you can use the save as copy functionality in the Joomla administrator however in Zen Grid Framework 4 compatible templates due to the way that we store the template settings this function is not available.

Instead, in order to duplicate the settings from one template to another template it is necessary to use the Load Existing template style functionality which can be found on the options > overview page in the template settings.

How to copy parameters from one template style to another in Zen Grid Framework version 4 themes.

1. Enter the overview panel in the template settings by going to options > overview.

2. Select the template name from the select box that you wish to copy the settings from.

3. Click the button next to the select box marked Load Style.

4. Click Save.

The settings that are copied across from the existing template style are all settings stored in the existing template except for the layout settings. The layouts are handled separately and can be transferred from one template to another by following these steps.

How to copy layout settings from one template to another in ZGF4 based themes.

1. In your existing template navigate to the options > layout panel in the template administrator.

2. Scroll down to the layout control area.

3. Enter the name of the layout you want to save the current layout as.

4. Click the save layout button.

5. Now after refreshing the page you will have a new layout available witht he name you just saved the current layout with.

6. Now in your new template instance you can apply the new layout style.

7. Edit the template you wish to apply the new layout to. Navigate to options > layout and scroll down to the layout area.

8. Select the name of the layout you have just saved in the select box.

9. Click Load Layout.

10. Save your template settings.

The new layout will now be applied to your template.

Please note that the layout settings once applied to the template style are specific to that template style. Changign any layout settings widths, module positions etc does not change the settings for any other template styles that may have had that layout style applied.