Boost Front Page setup

boost Front page setup


  • The top right menu is a core Joomla menu module published to the top4 position
  • The logo is published to the logo position. It is using the Lato google font.
  • The menu is a core Joomla menu module published to the menu position.
  • The slideshow is an instance of the Zentools2 module using the slideshow layout.
  • The icons and intro text are a custom html modules published to the grid1 position.
  • The grid of images is an instance of the Zentools2 module using the caption layout displaying images from a folder.
  • The large number highlighting the number of projects created is an instance of the skillset module published to grid9.
  • The text with a list of services is a custom html module published to the grid12 position.
  • The image and quote below that is an instance of the Zentools2 module published to the grid13 position.
  • The module with the list of contacts is an instance of the Zentools2 module using the grid layout and contacts as a source.
  • The image and quote below that is another instance of the Zentools2 module using the stacked layout published to the grid21 position.
  • The map below is an instance of the JB Maps2 published to the grid21 position.
  • The large social icons are an instance of the Zen Social module published to the bottom1 position.
  • The menu at the bottom of the page is a core Joomla menumodule published ot the footer position.
  • The logo and address is a custom html module published to the footer position.

Off Canvas Trigger

The three lined icon in the top right of the page is the trigger that opens the off canvas menu or off canvas panel. This icon will automatically appear when a module is published to the offcanvas position or when the offcanvas menu is selected in the template's responsive settings.

The icon requires the use of the Font Awesome library which is included in the template by default.

Boost Offcanvas Menu

Hidden Panel Trigger

The plus sign with the text "more" which is positioned in the top left of the page is the trigger for the hidden panel. The trigger automatically appears on the page when you have a module published to the panel position. The style of the panel and the overlay can be adjusted in the template's theme settings.

Boost Offcanvas Menu

Social Icons

The social icons on the left of the page are generated from within the template settings. You can find the settings for these sharing buttons in the template settings in the social panel.

Boost Offcanvas Menu