
Joomlabamboo template and extension documentation


Adds nofollow to links in k2 template

Adds before content plugin call.

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload html/com_k2/template/avanteBlog/item.php

Upload html/com_k2/template/avantePhoto/item.php

Upload html/com_content/article/default.php


Updated to support Joomla 2.5 content images and links.

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload html/com_content


Please ensure you update the version of your framewrok to at least v1.1.8.

Adds support for Joomla content links and images.

Manual Update

Upload html/com_content

Upload templateDetails.xml


Adds support for k2 2.5 overrides

Manual Update

  • Upload templateDetails.xml
  • Upload css/k2.css
  • Upload html/com_k2



Fixes input filtering for tab titles, logo, tagline, copyright, extrascripts, analytics

Fixes references to catslug and parent_slug in overrides


Initial Release

Joomla 1.5


Adds support for k2 2.5 overrides

Manual Update

  • Upload templateDetails.xml
  • Upload css/k2.css
  • Upload html/com_k2


Fix for extra directory path in the css/hiliteStyle1.css file

Manual Update

Upload templateDetails.xml

Upload css/hiliteStyle1.css


  • Fix for core panel script not loading

Manual Update

  • Upload includes/templateVariables.php file
  • Upload templatesDetails.xml


  • Fix for the installer
  • Fixed template.css issue with css.php file



  • Fixes misorder tabs in template admin
  • Updated language files with new strings
  • Added tab module positions
  • Fixed oversized templateTeaser image.


Manual Update
Depending on how much you have customised the template this may be easy or a little tricky. The 1.1 version of the template is a relatively large rewrite of the core files so in most instances it will be easier to install the latest version and reinstate the changes made to your template.

  1. Update 1.0+ version of the zen grid framework to v1.1+.
  2. Make a backup of your current template. I find the best way to do this is to rename the folder on the server to something like avanti_old
  3. Install latest version of the template via the Joomla installer.
  4. Main files that will be affected are the files in the layout, so if you have made any changes to the layout folder files then you will need to go through and address those changes.
  5. Go into the avanti template administrator and reinstated the layout and other template settings you had used previously or follow the instruction below for updating the params.ini file:
  6. The current settings of your template can be saved by restoring the backup of your old templates/avanti/params.ini file.


  • Fixed issue with nav dropdown not aligning properly when set to the left position.

Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload templateTeaser.jpg
Add the following css to around line 133 in the css/theme.css file:

#navWrap.navLeft ul ul {margin: 20px 0 0 20px}
#navWrap.navLeft ul ul ul {margin: 0;}


  • Fixed a typo for the logo positioning which meant that the logo was always positioned in line with the nav.
  • Added option to place analytics code to the head of the template which was missed int he previous update.

Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml


  • Fixes issue with firefox adblocker.

Manual Update
Update the zen grid framework to
Upload layout.main.php


  • This update brings the template up to date with v1.0.5 of the Zen Grid Framework. This means that Avanti iis now Google font capable plus it also has a number of other additions that you can read about in the Zen Framework changelog on the forum.

Manual Update
Install Zen Grid Framework v1.0.5+
Upload layout/footer.php
Upload layout/main.php
Upload layout/bottom.php
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload images/navBG.png
In the theme.css file, add extra padding to the .gridWrap1 rule. by changing the rule to this:

.gridWrap1 {padding: 30px 0}


  • This version updates for use with the v1.0.4 of the Zen Grid Framework. Please ensure that you also update the core framework files as per the Zen Grid Framework changelog.
  • Fixed logo image path issue with double // in path.

Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload layout/main.php


  • This version updates for use with the v1.0.3 of the Zen Grid Framework. Please ensure that you also update the core framework files as per the Zen Grid Framework changelog.
  • Fixes the issue with the missing bottom5 module from the first iteration of the Zen Avanti template.
  • Active Menu styling added for the panel menu and side menu.
  • Fixed issue with logo not getting picked up in the layout override files.

Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload layout/bottom.php
Upload layout/main.php
Upload css/hilites/style1.css
Upload css/hilites/style2.css
Upload css/hilites/style3.css
Upload css/hilites/style4.css
Upload css/hilites/style5.css
Upload index.php
Upload includes/


  • Fixed params.ini file for path to logo.
  • Corrected typo in overrides section of template parameters.
  • Added option to specify Hidden Panel height.


  • Corrected separator styling to the menus.