Joomlabamboo template and extension documentation
- Removed reference to index.html in templateDetails.xml
- Fix for added bullets to product view
- Fixed path to Zenmixins.less
Changed Files:
- templateDetails.xml
- less/vars.less
- css/zen-mart.css
- Fix for default Theme Magic value
- Removed index.html in root
Changed Files
- templateDetails.xml
- remove index.html in root
- Updated to work with T3 1.4 to support mega menu animations, captions.
- Removes Font Awesome Assets - now loaded from JB Type
- Changed name of custom.css to custom_rename_to_custom.css
- Adds support to show hide main content area.
- Fix for tagline not appearing if logo type set to image
- Adds base-responsive.less file with no resize class
- Adds missing tooltip styling
- Removes ThemeMagic.xml
- Renamed layout files to make more sense
- Updated zenmart css to v1.2 - Thanks Darren
Changed Files:
- less/ Once uploaded hit compile to less in template admin
- fonts/ Removed Font Awesome and Social Foundation Assets
- Removed Thememagic.xml
- templateDetails.xml
- tpls/default.php
- tpls/blocks/logo.php
- tpls/blocks/mainbody.php
- css/zen-mart.css
- Added support for T3 v1.2.4
- Added new code for hiding cotent on active menu item
- Support for no logo option
- Renamed layout files
- Updated template information
Changed Files
- templateDetails.xml
- templateInfo.php
- tpls/blocks/logo.php
- tpls/default.php
- tpls/default-home.php - renamed to modules-only.php
- tpls/default-mainbody-right.php renamed to sidebar-left.php
Initial Release