Changed Files
Changed Files
Changed Files
Adds support for Joomla 3
Please note that this theme is built on Zen Grid Framework version 3 which is a required plugin for this template.
Better fix for menu dropping to two lines in firefox
Manual Update
Upload js/template.js
Upload templateDetails.xml
Fix for menu items dropping to two lines in firefox
Small update for K2 2.5.7 compatibility
Manual Update
Upload js/template.js
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2/templates/colourshift/category_item.php
Adds support for J2.5 content links and content images.
Fix for positioning of article pagination
Fix for stripes under tagline not displaying correctly
Corrects line height and font size on tagline text
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_content
Upload css/theme.css (see below)
Fix for stripes display:
Change the following int he css/theme.css file
to this:
{ width:16.64%;float: left;height: 0px;}
Tagline line height fix
Change the following in the css/theme.css file:
#logo #tagline span
height: auto;font-size: 0.55em
#logo #tagline span
height: auto;font-size: 1.3em;line-height: 2em;
Fixes k2 comment layout
Fixes layout issue with Jomsocial heaings
Corrects spacing of k2 meta information and font sizes in multiple column layouts.
Fixes rating block not clearing extra fields.
Adds position relative to k2 header to avoid buttons floating outside
Adds k2 author to category and item view.
Fixes missing navigation between content items in aticle view.
Resets colours on lists added to the hidden panel.
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload css/k2.css (See changes below)
Upload css/theme.css (See changes below)
Upload html/com_k2/templates/colourshift/item.php
Upload html/com_k2/templates/colourshift/category.php
upload html/com_content/articles/default.php
Changes made to the css/k2.css file.
.k2Header { border-bottom: 4px solid #f2f2f2; padding: 0 0 10px; position: relative;}
Added the following at line 36:
.k2ItemContainer.cols2 h2 {font-size:1.6em;}
.k2ItemContainer.cols3 h2 {font-size:1.4em;}
.k2ItemContainer.cols4 h2 {font-size:1.2em;}
#k2ItemListLeading {margin-bottom: 30px}
.k2ItemContainer.cols2 span.separator,.k2ItemContainer.cols3 span.separator,.k2ItemContainer.cols4 span.separator {display: none;}
.k2ItemContainer.cols2 .k2Category,
.k2ItemContainer.cols3 .ItemCommentsLink a,
.k2ItemContainer.cols3 .createDate,
.k2ItemContainer.cols3 .k2Category,
.k2ItemContainer.cols3 .ItemCommentsLink a,
.k2ItemContainer.cols3 .createDate,
.k2ItemContainer.cols4 .k2Category,
.k2ItemContainer.cols4 .ItemCommentsLink a,
.k2ItemContainer.cols4 .createDate {
span.commentToolbar {margin: 0 20px;font-size: 90%;}
Changes made to the css/theme.css file.
Fix for background colour on hidden panel lists:
#navwrap .moduletable.color1 li,#navwrap .moduletable.color2 li,#navwrap .moduletable.color3 li,#navwrap .moduletable.color4 li,#navwrap .moduletable.color5 li,#navwrap .moduletable.color6 li{
background: none;
Jomsocial Heading Fix
/* JomSocial Headings */
h2.componentheading {
height: auto;background: none;line-height: 2;
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload css/mediaQueries.css
Upload css/theme.css file (See changes below)
Changes to the css/theme.css file.
Add the following to the bottom of the css/theme.css file.
.slide-controller {overflow: visible !important}
ul.flex-direction-nav {top: 220px !important;}
Compatibility release for v2.2.0 of the Zen Grid Framework. Please ensure to also install the v2.2.0 of the Zen Grid Framework when upgrading to v2.2+.
Please note that because this Joomla template already has a variation of the sticky nav implemented that setting is not available in the tools > effects panel as per other v2 Zen Grid Framework themes. You can find the option to set the menu to be either absolute or fixed in the Colourshidt parameters under layout > menu
Manual Update
Changes to the mediaqueries.css
/* CSS for the mobile menu */
#mobilemenu {display: block;padding: 15px 0 10px;width: 100%;}
#mobilemenu select {width: 70% !important;margin: 0 auto;display: block;}
.fullwrap.togglemenu #menuwrap,.fullwrap.selectmenu #menuwrap,.fullwrap.togglemenu #mobilemenu {display: none;}
/* Togglemenu */
#togglemenu {display: block;padding: 10px 0 0 10px;}
.fullwrap.togglemenu #navwrap .inner, .fullwrap.togglemenu #navwrap .row, .fullwrap.togglemenu #navwrap .container {border: 0;padding: 0;}
Also prefixed the existing select menu styling as per the following:
/* CSS for the mobile menu */
.fullwrap.selectmenu #navwrap #mobilemenu {display: block;padding: 15px 0 10px;position: relative;}
.fullwrap.selectmenu #navwrap.absolute #mobilemenu {margin-top: 135px;}
.fullwrap.selectmenu #navwrap.fixed #mobilemenu {margin-top: 175px;}
Fix for Duplicate imagesloaded code when using zentools.
Added new string for Joomla Tweaks panel.
Adds default logo value for ZGF v2.1.3 update.
Fix for centered logo.
Adds safehtml filter for tagline
Fix for multiple column view in K2
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload layout/logo.php
Upload js/template.js
Fix for centered logo issue. Add the following to the css/theme.css file or upload css/theme.css if you have not edited that file.:
#logo.zencenter a{text-align: center;display: block;}
Fix for multiple columns in k2. Either upload the css/k2.css file if you have not touched it or add this at the bottom of the file.
.k2ItemContainer.cols2 { float: left; width: 48%;}
.k2ItemContainer.cols3 { width: 31%; float: left; margin-right: 3%;}
.k2ItemContainer.cols4 { width: 23%; float: left; margin-right: 2%;}
.itemContainerLast.cols2,.itemContainerLast.cols3,.itemContainerLast.cols4 {float: right;margin: 0;}
Fix for contact form not loading.
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_contact/
Fix for error in mobile device display in admin.
Fix for panel misalignment issue related to Zen Grid Framework version 2.1.2
Fix for wrong link href for k2 attachments
Added fixed left and fixed right social icon positions.
Adds new clear cache buttons available in framework v2.1.
Fixes offline page logo location
Fixes issue with analytics code in the admin.
Fix for contact form issue.
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload offline.php
Upload html/com_k2/templates/colourshift/item.php
Fix for panel misalignment:
Change the following css in the css/theme.css file.
#zenpanel {top: 46px !important;left: 0 !important;width: 100% !important;background: url(../images/overlay/whiteOverlayOpaque.png);color: #333;z-index: 60;display: none;-moz-box-shadow:4px 4px 0 #ccc; -webkit-box-shadow:4px 4px 0 #ccc; box-shadow:none;-moz-border-radius: 0;-khtml-border-radius: 0;-webkit-border-radius: 0;border: 1px solid #ddd;border-width: 0 1px}
#nav #zenpanel {top: 46px !important;left: 0 !important;width: 100% !important;background: url(../images/overlay/whiteOverlayOpaque.png);color: #333;z-index: 60;display: none;-moz-box-shadow:4px 4px 0 #ccc; -webkit-box-shadow:4px 4px 0 #ccc;position: absolute !important; box-shadow:none;-moz-border-radius: 0;-khtml-border-radius: 0;-webkit-border-radius: 0;border: 1px solid #ddd;border-width: 0 1px;} {/codecitation}
Manual Update
Css Changes:
The following changes and additions were made to the css/theme.css file.
/* Search - Joomla 1.7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#searchpage input#search-searchword.inputbox { clear: both;float: left;width: 94% }
#searchpage .form-limit { margin-top: 30px; }
#searchpage form{ border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;margin-bottom: 30px;padding-bottom: 20px;}
#searchpage p { margin: 0; }
.resultsblock { margin-bottom: 30px;border-bottom:4px solid #f2f2f2;padding-bottom: 30px; }
a.resulttitle { font-size: 1.2em }
Change line 917 from:
.results ol li p,.results ul li p
.results ol li p,.results ul li p,span.small
Tagline fix.
/* Tagline-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#tagline span{ display:block; padding:50px 0 0}
#tagline{ float:right}
#tagline *{ font-size:32px; text-align:left; color:#333}
#logo #tagline span{height: auto;font-size: 0.55em}
#tagline {margin-top: 10px;}
The following changes and additions were made to the css/k2.css.css file.
Add the following to the bottom of the k2.css file:
/*Comment layout*/
span.commentLink a {float: right; }
ul.k2CommentsList {margin: 0 0 30px ;}
ul.k2CommentsList li {list-style-type: none;margin-bottom: 30px;padding: 8px 0;}
ul.k2CommentsList li img {float: left;padding: 4px;border: 1px solid #ddd;margin-right: 20px;}
ul.k2CommentsList span.commentDate,span.commentAuthorName {font-style: italic;color: #999;font-size: 90%;margin-left: 20px;}
ul.k2CommentsList span.commentDate {margin-left: 0;}
span.commentAuthorName {clear: both;;}
Fix for logo path for J1.7
Fix for accordion menu toggle in J1.7
Manual Update:
Change line 514 in the css theme.css file from this:
.sidebar ul li span.mainlevel span,,.sidebar
to this:
.sidebar ul li span.mainlevel span,,.sidebar span.separator
Initial Release