- Upgrade Joomla 3.8.7 and fix bugs
- Can not skip component content
- Smart Search page need more styled
- T3: 'Dropdown Trigger' parameter does not work
- Modules position are hidden
- Iphone/Ipad: Off-canvas and menu are overlapping
- Can not open off-canvas menu
- IPhone: Checkbox displays error on contact us page
- Missing language on edit module page
- Tooltip displays wrong position
- Got some CSS errors on edit article page
- Can not see the text in Module classes page
- Restyle number of page
- Ipad: Tooltip overlapping on the text
Changed Files:
- css/template.css
- less/menu-main.less
- less/theme.less
- tpls/blocks/mainbody-right.php
- tpls/blocks/mainbody.php
- less/joomla.less
- less/menu-affix.less
- tpls/default.php
- tpls/mainbody-left.php
- tpls/mainbody-right.php
- tpls/modules-only.php
- css/bootstrap.css
- less/modules.less
- css/megamenu.css
- css/off-canvas.css
- css/template-responsive.css
- less/menu-offcanvas.less
- less/vars.less
- templateDetails.xml
- Updated to work with T3 1.5 to support mega menu animations, captions.
T3 v1.5 J2.5 / J3+
- Removes Font Awesome Assets - now loaded from JB Type
- Changed name of custom.css to custom_rename_to_custom.css
- Adds support to show hide main content area.
- Fix for tagline not appearing if logo type set to image
- Adds base-responsive.less file with no resize class
- Adds missing tooltip styling
- Removes ThemeMagic.xml
- Renamed layout files to make more sense
Changed Files:
- less/ Once uploaded hit compile to less in template admin
- fonts/ Removed Font Awesome and Social Foundation Assets
- Removed Thememagic.xml
- templateDetails.xml
- tpls/default.php
- tpls/blocks/logo.php
- tpls/blocks/mainbody.php
Now Joomla 3 and T3 compatible
v1.0 Initial Release