Manual Update
Manual Update
Manual Update
Manual Update
Manual Update
To perform a manual update please download the latest template package and extract it on your desktop. Then upload and replace the following fiels on your server. If you have edited any of the following files you will need to check the changes to the new files and compare with your own.
CSS Changes
Hilite file changes
Remove .mbDetailsFlat from the first background colour rule starting at line18.
Add .form-login input.button, button.validate, #login.login_form input.button, #form-login input.button, to the same rule.
Theme.css changes
1. The following can be added to the bottom of the theme.css file
dl dd {margin: 0;} form#contact-form dd {margin: 0;}form#contact-form input,form#contact-form textarea,.login input {display: block ;width: 100%;} form#contact-form textarea {border: 1px solid #ddd;margin-bottom: 20px;} form#contact-form input#jform_contact_email_copy {width: auto;display: inline;} form#contact-form label#jform_contact_email_copy-lbl {margin-top: 0;} form#contact-form button {float: left;margin-top: 20px;}
2. Also add:
float: left;
to the .jbMeta rule.
3. Change:
form#login .inputbox,.form-validate input {border: 1px solid #ddd;padding: 8px;width: 97%}
form#login .inputbox,.form-validate input,form#contact-form input,form#contact-form textarea,.login input {border: 1px solid #ddd;padding: 8px;width: 97%;margin-bottom: 20px;} .remind button,.reset button {margin-left: 0;}
4. Remove
.mbitemFlat h2 {float:left}
Updated k2 overrides to fix small issue with social widgets not displaying
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2 folder
Updated k2 overrides
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2 folder
Upload css/k2.css