Add nofollow to print and email links
Adds hook for pre-content plugin rendering
Final fix for breadcrumb rendering br tags in the breadcrumb
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2/templates/rasa/item.php
Upload html/com_content/article/default.php
Upload html/mod_breadcrumbs
Changed method of css and js compression. (Requires an update to the Zen Grid Framework)
Adds support for Joomla 2.5 content images and links
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_content
Adds k2 template
Adds more length to navigation image in case using wider template setting
Fix for article item navigation
Fix for fixed width navigation items
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2
Upload css/k2.css
Upload html/com_content/article/default.php
Upload css/theme.css (See below)
Fix for fixed width menu items:
Remove width and edit padding rule as per below.
/* Top Row ul li a and spans for parent items */ #nav ul li a, #nav ul li span.separator {color: #fff;font-size: 1.1em;display: block;margin: 0;padding: 14px 30px 13px 14px;height: 37px;background: url(../images/navSep.png) repeat-y right top}
Adjustment for em in menu when using JB Type:
/* Em applied to menu items*/ #nav em,.moduletable-superfish em,#paneltab em {font-size: 80%;color: #fff;margin-top: 4px;display: block;}
Fixes input filtering for tab titles, logo, tagline, copyright, extrascripts, analytics
Fixes references to catslug and parent_slug in overrides
Initial Release
Fixes issue with k2 overrides not displaying
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2
Updates k2 overrides to work with k2 2.5
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2
Fixes issue with confirm password reset.
Manual Update
Manual Update
Manual Update
Depending on how much you have customised the template this may be easy or a little tricky. The 1.1 version of the template is a relatively large rewrite of the core files so in most instances it will be easier to install the latest version and reinstate the changes made to your template.
Manual Update
Add the following to the theme.css file:
.contentpaneopen_edit span.hasTip {position: absolute;margin-left: 10px;margin-top: 4px;}
Manual Update
Reupload templateDetails.xml file and the includes/templateVariables.
Manual Updates
Upload css/hilites/corporate.css file
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload css/k2.css
Upload css/theme.css file or if you have made changes, update the following rules:
Find the current corresponding rules and swap them for the following:
.gridWrap1,.gridWrap2,.gridWrap3,.gridWrap4,.gridWrap5,.gridWrap6,#above,#below,#banner,#leftCol ul li a,#rightCol ul li a,.results ol.list li,form.search_result,h2,.contentheading,#leftCol .moduletable,#rightCol .moduletable,.moduletable-ribbon,.moduletable-panelmenu,.moduletable-slide,#jbArticle,div.buttons,div.jbSectCat,div.jbCreatedate,span.jbAuthor,.mbRow,.mbWrapFlat,.poll dl.poll,#jbLogin .verticalLogin li a,.moduleTitle h3,.leading,.article_row,a.blogsection {background: url(../images/sepHor.png) repeat-x left bottom}
Fix for left column
#leftCol ul li li a,#righCol ul li li a,.moduletable-panelmenu ul li li a {padding: 4px 0 0 16px;font-size: 90%;width: 90%;}
Fix for right column
#rightCol ul li span.mainlevel span {padding:4px;cursor: pointer;width: 94%;} #rightCol .moduletable-ribbon .moduleTitle h3,#rightCol .moduletable-panelmenu .moduleTitle h3 {position: absolute;top: -61px;font-size: 90%;padding: 2px 8px;right: 0;} #leftCol,{margin-top: 30px;} #rightCol .moduleTitle h3, .moduleTitle h3, #leftCol .moduleTitle h3, .moduleTitle h3 {top:-30px} #left ul.icons li,#right ul.icons li {display: block;float: left;padding-bottom: 10px;margin: 0;padding: 0} #left ul.icons li span,#right ul.icons li span {clear: both;margin-left: 10px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 4} #left ul.icons li a {background: none;display: inline} div.jbCreatedate,span.jbAuthor {color: #333;margin-bottom: 4px;padding: 0 0 6px;text-align: center;width: 100%;display: inherit;word-wrap: break-word;} .blog_more ul li a {border: 0;}
Manual Updates
Upload /css/hilites/ folder
Upload /css/k2.css
Upload /css/theme.css
Upload /html/com_k2/ folder
Upload /html/com_content/section/blog_item.php
Upload templateDetails.xml