April 24, 2018
Changed Files
Changed Files
Changed Files
Changed Files:
Changed Files:
Please note that the version number has changed to fit in with the standard T3 numbering system we use.
Removes Font Awesome assets from template - use JB Type now.
Adds Clearfix to layout blocks
Adds custom_rename_to_custom.css file
Fix for missing image path for parent menu items.
Changed Files
Fix for font icons not showing in firefox.
Manual Update
Upload less/fonts/font-awesome then hit compile to less in template admin
Initial Release
Fix for mediaqueries toggle not working.
Added missing index.html files.
Manual Update
Fix for navigation on article pages not showing
Renamed header comments in hilite files
Fix for K2 latest items container not filling the width of the page.
Added tag layout view
Added fixedleft and fixedright social icon positions.
Manual Update
Upload trunk/templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2/templates/tag.php
Upload css/k2.css (See below)
Upload html/com_content/articles/default.php
Changes to the css/k2.css file:
.latestItemsContainer {
width: 100% !important;float: left;
Fixes typo in hilite files for moduletable-superfish classes.
Fixes short tag use in search overrides.
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload css/hilite[hilite].css files. (or rename the .modueltable-superfish class to -moduletable-superfish)
Upload html/mod_search
Compatibility release for v2.2.0 of the Zen Grid Framework. Please ensure to also install the v2.2.0 of the Zen Grid Framework when upgrading to v2.2+.
Manual Update
Fix for padding on sub menu separators in css/hilite[your hilite].css:
/* Image for Sub Parent Items---------------------------------------------------*/
#nav ul ul a.sf-with-ul,#nav ul ul a.sf-with-ul:hover,
#nav ul li li a.mainlevel.sf-with-ul,
#nav ul.sf-js-enabled li li span.mainlevel span,
#nav ul li li span.mainlevel span,
#nav ul ul span.separator,.moduletable-superfish ul ul a.sf-with-ul,
.moduletable-superfish ul ul a.sf-with-ul:hover,
.moduletable-superfish ul ul li.parent span.separator,
.moduletable-superfish ul ul li li.parent span.separator,
.moduletable-superfish ul li li span.mainlevel span,
#nav ul li li span.separator {
background: url(../images/menu/navParent.png) no-repeat 96% center !important; padding-left:10px;text-indent: 0;}
Changes to the css/theme.css file.
#nav ul li li span.separator {padding: 0 0 0 10px !important;}
Changes to the mediaqueries.css
/* CSS for the mobile menu */
#mobilemenu {display: block;padding: 15px 0 10px;width: 100%;}
#mobilemenu select {width: 70% !important;margin: 0 auto;display: block;}
.fullwrap.togglemenu #menuwrap,.fullwrap.selectmenu #menuwrap,.fullwrap.togglemenu #mobilemenu {display: none;}
/* Togglemenu */
#togglemenu {display: block;padding: 10px 0 0 10px;}
.fullwrap.togglemenu #navwrap .inner, .fullwrap.togglemenu #navwrap .row, .fullwrap.togglemenu #navwrap .container {border: 0;padding: 0;}
Fixes issue with modified date not showing up.
Manual Update:
Adds option for back to top text in tools > effects panel
Manual Update:
Fixes error with offline page causing a 404 not found error
Fixes offline.php not declared in installer.
Fixes issue with the plugin after render hook not rendering the plugin
Small fix for mobile menu
Added respond.js andd csspie options in the admin.
Added support for new accordion menu and options under the panel menu.
Please also update to the latets version of the Zen Grid Framework
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_content/article/default.php
Upload offline.php
Fixes issue with pencil edit icon not being displayed when some meta information is hidden.
Adds missing google+, twitter and facebook icons to the k2 overrides.
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2 folder
Upload html/com_content/article folder
Update to work with v2.0.5 of the framework. (Please ensure you also install v2.0.5 of the framework with this update.)
Updated k2 overrides to work with k2 2.5.x
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Upload html/com_k2/ folder
Upload css/k2.css
Fixes issue where analytics, tagline and copyright wouldnt accept html characters.
Fixes template image declaration missing in the templateDetails.xml file.
Manual Update
Upload templateDetails.xml
Initial Release