Joomla 1.6 Template Version
Updated css for superfish menu to suit the latest version of the framework.
Fleshed out the hilites with a better "skeleton" of styles.
Added missing css.php for the css compressor
Added hilite array to the templateVariables.php
- Fixed error on featured article page
- Fixed issue with text not white on logoRow
- Small refinements to the css
Manual Update
- Upload template Detail.xml
- Upload css/theme.css
- Upload html/com_content/featured folder
Initial Release
Joomla 1.5 Template Version
- Fixed default css with duplicate bg rule.
- Fixed validation error in css file
- Removed template.css from the css.php array
- Better default settings in the params.ini file.
- Updated to be compatible with v1.1 of the zgf
- Fleshed out css classes in the theme.css. Now contains all classes available in the core framework markup with a better hierachy.
- Added ie6, ie7, custom css start files that can be found in the css folder. Need to rename to ie6.css, ie7.css and custom.css file for them to get included properly.
- Added template.js and template(uncompressed).js starter file in the js folder. Need to rename in order to be included.
- Added missing index.html files from various folders.
- Updated the templateDetails.xml file to include update to analytics code positioning.
- Updated modules.php file to use the jb Module chrome if needed.
- Added option to specify the panel height.
- Fixed issue with installer.
- Fixes issue with some servers not finding the docroot.
- Small fix to the installer.