Adds support for print.css. You can override the defsault print.css by adding a print.css ot the css folder.
- Fixed menu assignment bug in Joomla 2.5 where the plugin would still fire even if the template assigned to the menu item was not a framework template.
* Improved the way that javascript and mootools is processed.
- Fix for max-width image issue with JB Maps and Hot Spots
- Fix for image width issue for images inserted using JCE
Unreleased version but distributed to some customers hence the version jump.
Updated language strings for the corporate template
Adds the ability to specify a top or left offset for the logo position (templateDetails.xml needs updating)
Fixes error caused by duplicate google fonts in the array
Added Oxygen Google font to list
Adds sticky class to body class when the sticky nav is triggered.
Adds present and onward body class hook to differentiate between J1.5 and J2.5 +
Adds swich for grids and columns on small screens to move to 100% width
Better spacing on module classes
Adds fix for ie8 max-width issue
Adds base styling for Joomla 2.5 links and images options
Fixes split menu not rendering in Joomla 2.5
Fix for front end editor layout buttons.
Updated hiddenpanel.js with a small optimisation.
Fix for select menu not showing if split menu enabled
Updated Hidden panel strings.
Added new strings related to the Vintage template.
Fix for google font loading in ie8
Fix for ie8.css and ie9.css variables
Better safeties for font settings when no font is selected.
Fix for logo colour parameter not working
Adds a reset for img max-width for ie8.
Cleans up the base.css file.
Updated layout/asset files with correct layouts for v2 templates
Adds target="_blank" to core social icons layout
Fixes split menu triggering wrong layout if no items populated in split menu.
Fixes issue where settign no hilite would not stick in J2.5 settings.
Cleans up the implementation of the clear cache button.
Adds new language strings
Please note that you will need to reset the fonts chosen with this update because of the back end optimisation of the font list.
Improves font logic to only output required font css.
Fix for empty css classes displaying in source.
Fix for another typo in the font logic plus a little more code optimisation.
Fix for typo in new font logic
Added string for the Joomla Tweaks panel.
Fixes issue with multiple word font names not rendering
Considerable code clean up on font implementation, which also results in slight improvement of framework admin load time.
Fix for margin on JCE icons in the front end.
Adds more pleasant fade effect for the interface once all of the elements have loaded on the page.
Updated admin jQuery version to v1.7.1.
Added better implentation for default font file name in J2.5 when using the media element.
Added new language strings for Lifestyle template.
Updated menu cookie script
Adds support for page break tabs and sliders in Joomla 1.7 / Joomla 2.5
Updated Google Font list to include all current fonts
Fix for modal window not showing at top of the page.
Added Fixedleft and fixedright positions for social icons. (Templates before Lifestyle require an update)
Fix for center position not displaying in some templates
Updated to work with Joomla 2.5
Adds Clear cache button to clear template and framework cached css and js files.
(Templates still need updating to take advantage.)
Adds toggle on some elements in the admin to show or hide relevant content.
(Templates still need updating to take advantage.)
Updated language strings for Colour Shift
Added more specific handlers for Accordion menu and slide open / close states.
Adds spans to split menu sidebar menus
Added noresize module class to prevent mediaqueries from resizing grid positions if you dont want them to.
Added tooltip for when equalise all widths setting is enabled.
Fixes issue with loading xml and php5.3 on some servers and progressive caching.
Fixes backend javascript conflict that crept in with last update.
Fixes issue where js compression enabled if strip tags also enabled.
Fixes lazyload and back to top not working
Reinstates fix for manifest xml issue. This error is still an issue on some servers and we need to get a better fix for this.
Added new language strings for back to top text.
Fixes for multiple column blog layout view in J1.7
Fixes issue with manifest description
Fixes J1.7 config file not hiding certain menu items in the admin.
Pushes the config file further up in the file so that we can adjust certain template specific hooks from the config file.
Removes cddata information from xml
Fixes php 5.3 incompatibility with progressive cache
Added new options for the panel menu. Including Accordion and selective accordion option.
Added csspie support.
Added support fo respond.js for media queries on less browsers.
Added dedicated print.css file.
Updates to language file
Fixes issue with color picker dropping behind the template body in the admin on firefox (pc)
Removed clear:both rule from base h2 tag
Added support for inner wrapper div and frontpage width options
Fix for css overriding the font size setting
Adds support for new accordion modes
Adds support for the emerging standard in Joomla for checking whether jQuery is loaded by using the JFactory::getApplication()->set('jquery', true);
v2.0.1 to 2.0.5
Fix for Zenoptions element that meant on some servers the dropdown lists with template options wouldn't render
Removed save, apply and close icons and replaced with text.
Set the opacity of the background area int he admin so that you can still see a little bit of the Joomla interface
Numerous language fixes and clarifications (thansk to Brian Teeman)
Small core typography.css, grid.css and superfish.css tweaks
Fixed installer image
CSS tweaks for the admin
Fix for countmodules and hasmodule logic not working
Optimised the J1.7 class to remove J1.5 code
Fixes title in prettyphoto lightbox
Removed Center align tab in layouts > main admin options
Fixed logo location issue
Updated asset files with correct markup
Implemented noconflict properly
Added support for jQuery 1.7
Removed unnecessary jQuery versions
Fix for custom tags stripping
Reorganised documentation tab
Fixes bug with loading user scripts
Adds active hilite name to the button text
Fix for logic around showing mobile rows
Fix for legacy file error
Adds grid.css for legacy mode
Fixes error for custom styling input box
Fixes dt styling in typography.css
Fixes dependancies around superfish and lazyload
Removed old unneeded files from package
v2.0 Initial Release
This is a major overhaul of the original Zen Grid Framework. There are a multitude of feature additions and some bug fixes fromt he original series.
The code is leaner and faster and the template admin has a spanking brand new interface.
The framework is now a plugin and draws upon the power of Joomla architecture to combine a lot of the features that we had previously relied on JB Library to do.