
Joomlabamboo template and extension documentation

Compatible with Joomla 1.5 / Joomla 2.5 / Joomla 3+ .

Please note: This template uses the Zen Grid Framework. You can download the latest version of the framework on the Zen Grid Framework download page.

All Themes built prior to January 2013 were built using the Zen Grid Framework while all themes after January 2013 were built using the T3 plugin. A select number of themes from before January 2013 have been moved to the T3 plugin.

Starting with Ascent from a fresh installation.

The following steps outline the process involved for setting this template up in a new or existing Joomla installation. Please note: We recommend users use our quickstart packages if they have the opportunity to start completely from scratch.

Elements to install

  • Install the Ascent template and make it the default - Download
  • Install JB Type - required for typography and font icons - Download
  • Install Zentools - slideshows, banners, grids etc - Download
  • Install the JB Maps - Google maps in a module - Download

Elements to modify

  • Change the position of the "Main menu" module to the "menu" position.
  • Set the "Show Title" setting of the main menu to Hide.
  • Remove the module and menu classes nav_pills and _menu in the advanced parameters for the menu module.
  • Change the position of the breadcrumb module to the "breadcrumbs" position.
  • Ensure that the module title for the breadcrumb module is also set to hide.
  • Depending on your needs you may like to set this module to not appear on the front page via the menu assignment settings in the module.

What's next?

At this stage you will have a very basic looking template ready for you to customise, add your content and start setting up the other modules you can see on the demo for the Ascent template.

For more information on replicating the front page layout or other extensions used on this site please read the information provided on the frontpage and extensions tab.

Available module positions


Module Classes

About module class suffixes

Module classes are a core Joomla functionality that allow the user to specify how a specific module will appear. The class itself is added to the module in the module parameters.

Combining module classes:

Module classes can be combined to take advantage of multiple complementary styles. An example of a module class suffix using a combination of classes: "hot primary1 top50".

Structural classes

Structural classes can be used to change the general layout or structure of a module.

  • nopadding - this class removes all padding that may be set by default by the template.
  • The following classes are micro adjustment classes that allow you to adjust the top offset of a module in increments of 25px. They start at 25 and move through to 500px offsets in 25px increments.
  • top25
  • top50
  • top75
  • top100
  • top125
  • top150
  • top175
  • top200
  • top225
  • top250
  • top275
  • top300
  • top325
  • top350
  • top375
  • top400
  • top425
  • top450
  • top475
  • top500

Frontpage Overview



  • Top4. Inside top4 module position is published core Joomla menu module.
  • Open image/ Link. This link is displayed on the page when you publish any module to the panel1, panel2, panel3 or panel4 position. The template provides the ability for you to control the text of the link in the case that the visitor is or isn't logged in. These strings can be added via the template parameters or via the template's language file.
  • Logo. The logo is a text type logo that uses the Source Sans Pro google webfont. The logo has some very elegant css3 styles applied to it to provide for the 3 dimensional shadow effect which degrades well on browser including ie8 and before.
  • Main Menu. The main menu is a core Joomla menu module that is published to the menu position. Please note that to render the superfish menu here you need to ensure the superfish option is enabled in the template but you do not need to add the module class -superfish.
  • Banner. The slideshow is an instance of the Zentools module using the slideshow layout. The demo draws images from a folder and the links are assigned using the external link function in the zentools module. The settings to recreate the layout for the slideshow can be seen in the screenshots below. Note, that inside this position are used various modules like Custom html module with video or JB Maps on Contact Us page.
  • Advert1. ZenTools module loading content.
  • Grid21-22. Here are placed standard Joomla modules showing Most Read content or Latest News module.
  • Grid24. jTweet module loading user tweets with theme bubble and default layout.
  • Footer. Joomla menu module is published to the footer position without any specific setting.
  • Template width. The demo site uses a standard template width of 950px without left or right offset.
  • Contact page. On contact page is JB Map module published inside banner module position instead of slideshow.
  • Toggle menu. As described in the responsive menu options in the core framework the togglemenu position can be used to publish a menu or any module of your choosing to display on mobile devices.
  • Sidebar To get nice sidebar module title inside slideshow use module class: " highlight"

Extensions used on the demo site